Another great week of DFI. The opportunities are endless as we explored maps, forms and sheets. Unfortunately, I missed the second part of the day as we had our school swimming sports in the afternoon. Thank goodness for rewindable learning. Because this was available, I was able to view and dabble with some of the concepts using sheets, which was beneficial. Time has been my enemy this week and I have yet to look at the rest of the session slides - analysing data from a student blog and writing a quality blog post - but is on my list to do.
Revisiting the importance of sharing provided myself personally with many wonderings. The notion that we have been sharing for along time now was refreshing. The most significant change in sharing is that our content can be shared far and wide, not confined to planned whānau evenings or conferencing evenings. My main wondering is around the authentic audience that sharing through blogger provides our learners and how do we engage our whānau with the tools they need to provide relevant feedback that with promote future learning opportunities for our akongā. Our learners blog but we have yet to nail the engagement from our whānau around this. Is it the fear of the unknown, not wanting to seem inferior when seeing the shared learning in all its excellence or are they just not sold on the benefits? For what ever the reason, we need to find a way to engage and excite our whānau to engage in a meaningful partnership with their child's learning and the content they are sharing. With the right support in place, i'm sure we can overcome this for the benefit of our learners and their learning outcomes.
Kia ora Jonathan,
ReplyDeleteGreat to read that the rewindable aspect of the DFI was helpful for data day, especially when you have other important school commitments. Whānau engagement is the 'holy grail' for all schools, and authentic engagement is always a challenge. One way to help with whānau engagement arounf sharing learning could be to run a blogger based whānau hui, but have students present it. The tamariki could show whānau how to navigate to the class and/or student blogs, and how to comment etc.
I look forward to catching up again during week 5 of DFI.
Ngā mihi anō
Nā Makaore