Thursday, 18 March 2021

DFI Session 6 - Enabling access


A great session to be a part of.  It provide me personally with the many reflective moments, particularly around our school site and class sites.

Focussing on the connected joist of the Manaiakalani framework has highlight the importance of a school site that is able to provide that connection.  It is through our school site that the connection with our whanau is enabled through the links to our class sites.  It is the one stop place for our whānau, ākonga and kaiako. Our sites can provide us with the platform to connect with our learning when we are not physically present.  It provides us with ways to engage in learning and connects us to the vast possibilities that learning can afford us.

For my own personal journey with DFI and a leader of learning, it raised the following questions:

  1. Are our sites accessible?
  2. Do they present to viewers the 'Shop Window' effect required?
  3. Are they easily navigated?" (no more than 2-3 clicks)
  4. Is learning visible and easily accessible for learner and whānau? 
These questions were answered as we continued with the learning kaupapa for the day. Being able to be allowed the time to dabble and play with sites is great but the feedback received from colleagues was and is invaluable.  
Our sites, while they present our school and classrooms in a positive light, still have areas of improvement.  These include taking the plunge into other learning areas other than literacy.  Developing our multi modal delivery of learning, while ensuring whānau have a clear understanding of the how and the why we are doing this.  The ultimate goal for myself and ultimately our school, is to see our class sites being accessed by all whānau and learners as a way to enhance student outcomes, to accelerate learning and being used to rewind learning when it is needed.  A huge challenge / wero ahead not only for myself but our whole learning community.

Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei

"Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain".

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